Hey there!

Mr. Robby here! Just continuing my blogging here on this bright new site. :D

Frozen Robby!

It's the cat's pajamas.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Summer Paradox

Seriously, why is it that when it's summer, you always have too much time? That's probably why I don't like summer so much.

That's something you'll never hear from someone who's still enduring classes until now. Hahaha, exactly what the Summer paradox is. When it's summer, you look for things to do with that time. When it's not, you look for time to do things with. Maybe some never experience this, but I'm sure it's the greater majority who'll be able to relate with me.

It's kicking in, obviously. The summer attitude is sinking in already, despite this being only my second week of vacation. I only realized now that two weeks have already passed though, and that makes me quite sad. What have I done in that time? Nothing really significant, just enjoying all this free time here and there.

Makes me realize how ungrateful people can be though. I'm not one for reflective blogs (only because I don't like making them. :P) so let's keep this part short. It shows how a lot are never happy with the ground they stand upon. School people want out, they want summer's free time. Summer people want school, so they'll be preoccupied daily. On a greater scale, you can really see this attitude in many people. All the complaining, whining and wishing for more. Is anybody ever truly happy? I guess not. But that's not a problem. It's one thing to desire more for your life, but it's another to just stand there and be sad about it. You long for more? Work for it. Make it happen. That's the way to do things.


And there you go! Serious part's over. Hahaha. Seriously, this summer's been fun so far though. The above-mentioned feeling has only hit me on occasions, I'm not that sad about the two weeks. Most of the time, I think it's two well spent weeks. Just bumming out and relaxing may be a bad thing, but it's better than stressing out, right? So yeah, summer's been mostly great. :D

Late happy birthday (March 13) to Harvey! Special mention ka sa entry na 'to. :>

My summer cash has been bothering me. I don't have enough to last me close to three more months. =)) I wish I could stop spending and save up, but things to spend on just keep coming along. Argh. Hahaha!

That's it for now! I'm done here.
Mr. Robby's back, with a inner burning (Ow, ow, ow. =)) I think I stated that wrongly. :)) ) for writing!

Thank you, Mr. Hot Sun Above for causing people to run inside for shelter from you. =))))